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Foley Contractors Company 2017-2021
Foley Contractors Company (FCC) is an Indigenous service provider for Oil and Gas industry Nigeria. FCC was incorporated as a limited liability company in Nigeria in 2017 to carry out services for Oil and Gas sector in terms of logistics and Support, Calibration Services (Road tanks, Vertical/Horizontal tanks and Underground tanks), Driver training (Defensive Driving Counsel), Safety and Trucks inspection that will guarantee customers satisfaction.
Foley Contractors company Nigerian limited is a firm that promotes turnkey services. Each services in “pack form” is accurately described in catalogue comprising of;
- Specifications
- Solution recommendation
- System/program work chat
- Competitive offers and prices
- Agreeable terms of contract
While we build up a system from conceptual state to final delivery of product plus services to meet clients’ stringent requirement. And what we offer is a “be-spoke” solution.
Core Values
- Accuracy
- Professionalism
- Integrity
- Team Work
- Faith in God
Contacting Foley Contractors —
addresses and information on how best to contact us.
Our Vision
- To redefine and set standard in Oil and Gas sector through the provision of accurate and reliable calibration which is uncompromising
- Motivated to climb higher in todays competitive contemporary industrial arena, carry on legacy an lead the foremost by providing unique technique, mathematical finesse and logistics services to our customers
Our Mission
- To retain high performance workforce in a timely, accurate and efficient manner that guarantee customers satisfaction
- To provide not only volumetric accuracy but a complete solution to our clients at competitive rate